Reflections 2019
Welcome to "Reflections 2019," my online photo journal for sharing thoughts, "sketches," and works in progress. I invite you to share your thoughts about these posts via my Contact Form.
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Reflections 2019 Posts: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9
Volume 9: "Sierra Reflections: Peace on Earth"
December 2019
"Trees are poems that the Earth writes upon the sky"
- Kahlil Gibran
During my autumn retreat in the Eastern Sierra I came upon a natural reflecting pool in the midst of a rushing stream. The perfect reflections caught my attention and I spent some time there just marveling at the sights and sounds and breathing in the fresh air. Then I picked up my camera. I hope you will spend a few minutes enjoying these images and reading through this post to the end, where you'll find a preview of exciting news for 2020.
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.”
― Indra Devi
"Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love trees with every breath we take until we perish."
― Munia Khan
In 2019, trees were by far my most photographed subject. This was not a conscious decision on my part, but a path where inspiration led me. In retrospect, I feel it is fueled in part by the state of our planet. Wildfires, climate change, invasive insects, overuse, and the greed of planned destruction have devastated forests worldwide. My creative reaction is to capture images of trees in their natural splendor. But capturing their images will not save the trees.
"What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
― Chris Maser
During this season when Peace on Earth is on our minds, and the Spirit of Giving on our to-do lists, my tree images have planted a seed of inspiration. Beginning in January, there will be a new gallery here on my website devoted to trees. This curated exhibit will offer a special way to give back to our forests and our planet. Watch for an announcement about the opening of this gallery!
Thanks for taking time to read this post. I hope you enjoyed the images and that you found the quotes to be inspirational. Join me next month for the unveiling of an exciting new venture supporting our forests.
My warmest holiday wishes to you and yours.
Peace on Earth
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