Reflections 2016:  July / August Posts

August 14, 2016   Low Tide

"The tide goes out imperceptibly. The boulders show and seem to rise up and the ocean recedes leaving little pools, leaving wet weed and moss and sponge, iridescence and brown and blue and China red. On the bottoms lie the incredible refuse of the sea, shells broken and chipped and bits of skeleton, claws, the whole sea bottom a fantastic cemetery on which the living scamper and scramble."
- John Steinbeck 

Sometimes when I'm exploring the beach, I think about all the people who have walked here before me and all those who will cross this sand centuries from now (my inner optimist). Throughout that timeline, the tide will continue to come in and go out, creating an eternal rhythm. On this day, I was wondering if John Steinbeck had ever visited this beach on 17-Mile Drive while he lived in the Monterey area. Later when I found the above quote, it seemed as if we had been there together during the Low Tide.

Little pools left behind.

Moss covered boulders revealed.  

Seaweed formed by gently receding waves.

Red Algae bleaching in the sun... with colorful splendor. 

A bouquet of shells, some still moving. 

August 7, 2016   Summer Retreat

Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of attending a PIE workshop at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, CA.  PIE is an acronym for Photography, Ideas, and Experience and the weekend was really an artistic development retreat (during which we did eat some delicious pies, as well). This workshop had somewhat of a technical focus, with the various labs exploring both digital and non-digital tools and techniques, providing innovative options for expressing your own artistic vision.

Imaging on Metal Plates

One of the PIE labs demonstrated a process for imaging on metal plates. Digital portraits were imaged onto a film media and through a chemical process, transferred onto distressed metal plates. The colors and textures created an antique feel.

July 2016   Renewal Unfolding

"Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling."

- Deborah Day

Spring of 2016 was for me a time of experiencing many new thoughts and feelings, including grief over the loss of a family member.  It takes time to absorb and process new experiences and inevitably they make their way through the creative channel.  It will be some time before my loss is expressed in my work, but the seeds for a new photo series are already germinating... renewal unfolding.

Meantime, I am very fortunate to have some opportunities to share my work from the first half of the year.  It's an honor to have my images included in a number of juried exhibitions and publications this summer.  Where possible, I am sharing links below to online galleries for these shows where you'll also see some incredible work by other fine art photographers. 

New Wave: An Aquatic Exhibition

Sponsored by the Arts Council for Monterey County, New Wave is a juried art exhibition with an aquatic theme. The event provides developing artists an opportunity to showcase their skills and raise funds for the Council's new Local Emerging Artist Program (LEAP).  "Ripple #5", shown here, was one of two images from my Water Gallery juried into the show, which continues through July 17th at The Monterey County Weekly’s Press Club, 1123 Fremont Blvd, Seaside, CA. View the Online Gallery.

Center for Photographic Art: 2016 Members' Juried Exhibition

Coincidently, "Ripple #5" was also selected for the 2016 Members' Juried Exhibition at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel. This exhibit continues through July 24th at the Sunset Center gallery. (Link to the Online Catalogue coming soon!)

City Centric: a FotoSaga Exhibition

"City Centric" is an exploration of the San Francisco Bay Area by the FotoSaga Women's Photography Group. My image "Ballpark", from a series in progress called "Speed of Light", is one of two images featured in this exhibition...Through July 17 at Carmel Visual Arts Gallery at the Barnyard Shopping Village, Hwy 1 at Carmel Valley Road. View the Online Gallery.

LensWork Online: 

Reader Spotlight, June 29, 2016

LensWork is a website featuring digital publications and content about photography and the creative process. The Reader Spotlight section publishes selected work by LensWork Online members. Images from my Ice Gallery are featured in the June 29th issue. View the Reader Spotlight.


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... for taking time to reflect on my work. I invite you to share your thoughts via my Contact Form. And please subscribe to the mailing list to receive email notices of updates and activities.

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